The things we don’t say

I’m not advocating that every damn thought in my head should come out of my mouth, but I think every person would be much happier and well balanced if they were less afraid to speak their mind.

For example, in your personal life, Your significant other frequently does something that annoys the shit out of you. It’s not a big deal, but you notice every time. Do you just accept it? Most people would, and is that because they want to keep the peace? Don’t rock the boat, pick your battles?

Another example, do you just keep a lid on your despair and anger, just to get to Friday? I know I do.

None of the issues I’m thinking about, in and of themselves, are problematic individually. It’s just that the sum total of the 1000 grievances and 100 actions not taken start to add up to an occluded life – where you are hemmed and hawed in, until you find yourself struggling in a straitjacket and call yourself free.

Meanwhile, those small voices are still in your head, and you only wish they were sticks of dynamite so they could go off, laying waste to all the complexities and drama, to blow it to a fine mist spread over the country side, to feel free, unconstrained, to fly in the clouds.

Rage against the dying of the light? To take arms against a sea of troubles?

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