If I said something to make you mad, I will take it back.

To add to my previous post about my annual review, I wanted to comment on something that my supervisor said to me. She said that there was a perception from people at work that I’d lost my “spark”.

I won’t elaborate upon that point much, other than to say that I’m simultaneously hurt and unsurprised. I can see why someone would have said that about me, and at the same time, I wish that people would try to see the many many things that I do behind the scenes. I’m not a glory mongerer. I don’t jump out there as wildly and loudly as possible and scream, “Look at me! Look at me! I do this and that!”.

I don’t steal ideas from others and pass them off as my own. And in that respect, because I do most of my work behind the scenes, it would seem that I’m uninterested in a lot of my work. And while I’m very tired of some of my many projects, I still do an insurmountable amount of work in a given day. So I can see why a person would think I do not, and that I don’t care, even when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

And really, I’m just frustrated and venting and wondering if I’m next on the chopping block for layoffs because of my somewhat bad annual review.

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