I sometimes worry that I get along with people too easily. I know that that sounds like a strange thing to worry about, but I do. When you get along with everybody, does that mean that you’re just very likeable, and that you present your ideas and who you are in a good way?
Or does that mean that you you’re doing nothing to present yourself at all? Are you just buckling and molding yourself in such a way that you seem like you’re always agreeing with everyone, even when you don’t?
I’ve stated many times, and firmly believe, that a person should have a strong character. I don’t mean that they should get in to fights or arguments all the time. I don’t think that people should always throw their opinion out there, especially when it’s not the time to do so or it’s not warranted.
But I do believe people should stand up for the things that truly matter to them. I think people should stand against the things they firmly have a problem with. After all, it is said that for evil to succeed, good only needs to do nothing.
Getting back to the original point, though, do I not make my needs and my opinions vocal enough? Am I liked because I’m simply of weak character?
I really hope that that isn’t the case, and I make a point of letting people know my opinion when I feel strongly enough about it. But is that enough? And when you make enough concessions to get through a discussion, where does the line get drawn and where do you decide to hold your ground?
I’ve been described as being very laid back, very easy to work with. And I wonder if that’s because I make those little sacrifices when nobody else is willing to do so. I’ve stood my ground on a few things, but only when I knew I was right and I knew the approach was right. It all comes down to picking your battles. I just wonder if I pick them too infrequently.