…And some people change, others hang on until they can’t anymore…

I have a love/hate relationship with my writing. There are times when I can’t stand not writing, and then there are weeks or months where I won’t even bother to pick up a pen and come up with something. This has been one of those weeks. Not because I had nothing to say, but because it wasn’t the right time to say it. My thoughts sometimes need a few days to ferment, and to come to fruition. If I force that, I end up with bad writing and something I simply wish I never wrote.

That being said, this last weekend Alison and I went to Seattle. We saw my favorite band, Floater, on Friday night. Of course they played an excellent show, and as is par for the course, I drank a little too much and poor Alison had to help me find the hotel later. I’m sure I could have found it, but it was nice having a sober person there. Ha! I remember asking her if she’d like to skip with me back to the hotel, and she declined. I was bummed.

In fact, tonight as we were getting dye to change my hair color I offered to skip with her in Fred Meyer and she declined again. I think she’s just anti-skip. Pssh.

Anyway, Saturday we walked around Seattle quite a bit. Had breakfast, walked to the space needle, took the monorail, went to the Seattle Art Museum, walked through a few art galleries, some various shops, and stopped for dinner at an Irish pub (great food). Back at the hotel (Alexis, which was great. I’d recommend it. The staff was awesome.), I took some cold medicine (I’d been feeling like crap since Thursday) and passed out almost immediately.

On sunday we had lunch at The Crab Pot (interesting place), and then went to the aquarium. We were going to go to the zoo, but alas, the weather and time wasn’t very permitting. Next time, though.

Overall, an excellent weekend and never really a dull moment. Even as sick as I was, I had a great time and wouldn’t have changed anything at all. On a side note, on the drive to Seattle the radio was never on. We talked the entire drive up and never once needed a distraction. I dunno about most of you, but that was kind of telling to me. Most people drive me nuts after three or four hours in the car. Seriously.

I have a bunch more stuff to write about: destiny, choices, directions, people who have led us, people we’ve led, etc. etc, but I’m really tired (took some cough medicine) and should probably attempt some sleep.

Gah. I hate colds.

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