I found some old pictures today. I was going through a box in my garage and found an entire plastic tub full. I hadn’t seen most of them since they had been developed. Some were from shortly after getting married, and others were from business trips and places that I’d gone to be by myself. It was interesting seeing all the changes that I went through in just a few short years. I’d lose a lot of weight, gain a lot, my hair would change, piercings would show up and disappear.
It struck me just how much I’ve reinvented myself and in how many different ways. I can’t imagine what I’ll think when I look back in another 5 or so years. I’m sure I’ll be just as awe struck at how great I look now as I do about the pictures from a few years ago. Isn’t it funny how that works? We can’t seem to accept ourselves in the present, always seeing the flaws and the issues, but we can look back and think, “Man! I looked awesome.”
On that note, here are some pictures from about 5 to 7 years ago. Enjoy.