With your street lamp for a soul, I am just one of many insects in your light

Ahh, so it’s snowing again. Not nearly as bad this time, but there it is, the white crystalized water that I’ve come to dread in my old age. I don’t suppose I’ll ever enjoy it the same way I used to, now that I’ve actually had to deal with it.  And in a way, I feel like one more little nugget of innocence from youth has been destroyed.

Or maybe I’ve just become cynical. Who knows?

But you know what? I’m not worrying about it. Today, I’m choosing to enjoy the snow, believe it or not. I’m sitting in front of the fireplace, I’m reading a good book, and I have a bowl of chili and some french bread. I have some great music playing in the background, it’s Sunday, and I’ve got nothing to do. For the moment, life is grand.

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