The dangers of religion

I know I’m not going to be popular for this post; that’s okay. There are a great many things in this world that bother me, but ruffling a few feathers isn’t one of them.

I was reading through one of my favorite forums (Arstechnica) today, and ran across a thread about geocentric religious zealots. Instead of trying to explain the entire argument, I have attached visuals from the thread that I was perusing.

Here you go:

If you’re still too lazy to look at the images, I’ll summarize: These are religious zealots that claim that the Earth is in fact the center of the solar system and that the sun revolves around the Earth. They also claim that there has been no successful scientific experiment to back up the claim that the Sun is the center of our solar system.

I’m baffled by ignorance as blatant as this. In fact, I’m led to believe that this is just another scam being perpetrated by someone looking to make a quick buck. I’m sure (sadly) that there are enough gullible people in this world to make a scam artist like this rich, but I’m not sure which scenario is worse: a religious zealot with appallingly blind faith, or a crook.

I have very strong beliefs when it comes to religion. Specifically, that religion is dangerous in almost any shape or form. It is a breeding ground for hate and violence that has been unmatched by any other entity in the history of the planet. I don’t have the supposed “respect” for religious belief, and I’ll explain why.

If I were to claim that I have conversations with, say, a dead relative, wouldn’t you (the reader) be skeptical? Of course you would. You’d demand some kind of proof or way for me to show you that I was indeed able to speak with someone beyond the grave. But religion is different. As soon as someone claims that something is their belief, we’re supposed to suspend all critical thinking and respect whatever has been said.

I respect a person’s ability to speak their mind, but I will not respect a person’s right to spout rhetoric and pious rote about a subject that they know nothing about, and allow them their false ideas to go unchallenged. I’m sure it sounds confrontational, and it is. But if someone is going to somehow project their ideas upon me, they had better have some very substantial evidence to back it up.

I don’t believe that religion should enjoy the exclusivity that it receives in this country (or any other). Whatever your faith may be, that’s certainly your choice and I will respect your ability to hold that faith. As soon as you feel the need to tell me about your faith, however, or as soon as you feel that you should share it with others, I will contest your ability to do so.

I think the largest reason that people are so offended when you challenge their beliefs, is because they actually feel rather foolish when they try to explain them. I’m sure the rational side of every person’s brain is screaming out in horror every time scripture and rhetoric is spouted in the name of God. I may be wrong, though.

Do not tell me that you seek the truth if you’re unable to take a good, hard, scrutinizing look at your own beliefs. If you hold your own beliefs true and dear and claim that all others are wrong and heretical, but place no scrutiny upon the tenants of your own faith, I say that you’re a hypocrite and a liar.

Worse yet, for all you religious zealots out there, you’re simply there shaking your head at this post. I suppose you’re nodding in approval at the fact that I’m going to hell? How Christian of you. Really. You’ve summarized my thoughts nicely.

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