It IS a tumah… or, Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor

Ahh, so I just recently heard that Ted Kennedy is dying of a brain tumor. While I don’t wish an illness on anybody, especially one as horrible as this, I’m also having a difficult time feeling any sympathy for the man. Quite frankly, I think his death is coming about 30 years too late.

I’m sure there are a lot of people out there that do not share my sentiment, but there are a great many that do. Ted Kennedy is a rotten, worthless, empty shell of a human being, and at the very least, should have spent a considerable amount of time in jail almost 40 years ago.

For those that are unfamiliar with his previous cases of manslaughter, you might want to enlighten yourself. Based on court testimony and records, Ted was at the very least drunk while he was driving, and was also indifferent to the death of another human being. From testimony, Ted Kennedy didn’t inform authorities of the accident that directly led to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne until the next morning; he only informed authorities when he came to find out that they had already discovered her body in his car.

That doesn’t sound the least bit callous, suspicious, and… well, downright malicious? I have no problem calling him a murderer and a coward, and I’m glad that he’s going to die. Again, I think he should have died many years ago, but we all take what we can get, right?

Just because a person becomes sick does not mean that they instantly become a shining example of human decency and kindness. It’d be a shame if everyone forgets that and somehow thinks that Ted is a great and upstanding guy just because he finally received what he deserves.

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